Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Mom pic!

Stef enjoying a well earned beer!


  1. What!?! Are you serious? Not nursing then? :)

    1. Cezanne - I actually talked her into it. When we were at Dim Sum 2 months ago, some friends of mine (they're both doctors!) recommended a beer right after feeding to help breast milk come in and relax Mom a bit.

      Thanks for the bath tips! We'll definitely try cleaning him in the kitchen next time he needs a wash!

  2. Yes, I do wholeheartedly agree that breasting feeding is not 'natural' at least not initially. I had a tough time with Emily. It was so bad that I had to supplement with my sister's breast milk (she just had Joshua). I just wasn't making enough for Emily to eat. Give it some time and pretty soon he'll be stuck on her and you won't be able to pull him off!

  3. And yep Matthew knew about the beer thing too! I guess it's a husband/daddy thing to know. Did it work?
