Saturday, May 8, 2010

Goodbye Cambodia, Hello Thailand!

6:30 am and we're packing up to leave Siem Reap. Pete is feeling much better today, practically normal it seems, thank goodness we went to the doctor before the trip to get antibiotics just in case. He was so awesome yesterday, gamely getting up at 4:30 in the morning to see Angkor Wat at sunrise and patiently (mostly!) posing for photos even though he was going to fall over any second. We came thousands of miles - we were gonna get our photo taken in front of Angkor Wat if it killed us. Thankfully it didn't come to that and we got him home nice and safe and in bed by 7am.

Sunrise was an unbelievable experience. The pink started coming over the horizon when we were still a km or so away and I was like, omg, hurry up! We had the slowest tuk tuk driver ever, though apparently he knew what he was doing 'cause we got there right on time. Once you get to Angkor Wat, there's this moat with lily pads in front, a giant gate, and behind it, the famous spires of the wat. We were walking across the bridge just as the pink was starting from behind and I was literally paralyzed there, it was so beautiful. Then I started taking pics like a crazy person (blending right in with the tourists from China getting off of giant buses) until Pete was like, seriously, it'll be better from inside. I had totally forgotten we hadn't even gone in yet.

I will never forget the experience. Pete was pretty delirious by this time, so I took plenty of pics and video to remind him about it later. I'm sure everyone else will be subjected to slideshows at our place sometime - apologies in advance if you get tired of seeing them!

Pete sent most the day in bed and I wandered around the hotel with my book, enjoying the air conditioning and drinking smoothies. Read Girl with the Dragon Tattoo - first book I've finished in a while as I have absolutely no attention span - and am about to start the book by the lady who wrote The Historian. I remember Des lending me that book in LA a few years ago and not leaving Pauline's house for the next 3 days, I was so addicted. Great historical trashy romance. Got another massage, the best one yet. Mere, I think you would agree its the best when they crawl right up on the table with you - it means they're gonna beat you up a little, which is my ideal massage. Started watching Mad Men finally (so good!) and ate our room service in front of the tv while watching a very confusing cricket game. Does anyone understand the rules?

We've had free wifi here, so it's been nice (and easy) to send these updates in, I'm not sure how it will be in Phuket. Either way, having this iPad has been the best thing ever - Pete, I publicly apologize for giving you so much grief for buying it!

Happy Mother's Day to any moms that may be reading - we'll try to call from Phuket. Signing off for now -- Stef

Sent from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. That sounds so amazing! And I do agree, I love a massage where they beat all the knots out of you - jealous! Pete, I hope you feel better soon - so smart of you guys to travel with antibiotics!
